Alex Vannoni

Chief Digital Officer at Well

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Alex is an experienced healthcare leader and entrepreneur who is passionate about the application of technology interventions to influence behavior and improve health outcomes. His background spans entertainment, food and beverage, and healthcare. Alex is driven by his public health background to build product and exceptional user experiences that fundamentally change the way Americans access and consume healthcare services.

Prior to Well, Alex was the Vice President of Transformation & Consumer Experience at Aetna, where he was responsible for defining the new consumer experience at CVS-Aetna through tech enabled solutions. Previously, he served as a Founder in Residence at the venture studio Atomic where he prototyped and developed healthcare tech companies as founder and CEO. His early experience includes passive tech interventions with Parkinson’s patients to objectively quantify the disease and influence behavior.

Alex received his bachelor’s degree in Human Evolutionary Biology from Harvard College and his Masters in Public Health and MBA from Johns Hopkins University graduating as a Delta Omega Public Health scholar.


UNC Center for the Business of Health

The Center for the Business of Health is a multidisciplinary initiative that brings together resources and expertise from across UNC and our region to create knowledge, prepare business leaders, and launch important discussions around the business of healthcare.


Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise

The Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise is a nonpartisan business policy think tank affiliated with the University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School. Founded in 1985, the nonprofit institute facilitates collaboration between the private, public and nonprofit sectors to build a greater understanding of how entrepreneurship, economic development and global commerce can work for the public good. It leverages best-in-class research to develop market-based solutions to today’s most complex economic challenges; in doing so, the Kenan Institute aims to better the lives of people in North Carolina, across the country and around the world.


UNC Kenan-Flagler Healthcare Club

The UNC Kenan-Flagler Healthcare Club is a student-run organization with a mission is to give MBA students pursuing a variety of functional roles the education, networking opportunities and job-finding skills they need to succeed in the healthcare industry.